Counter Terror Awards 2019
13th March 2019

Pervade Software received a runner's up award at the 2019 Counter Terror Awards held at the ILEC Conference Centre in London along with a Commended Award from the panel of expert Judges who were rewarding contributions to reducing the threat from global terrorism.

Organisations from the UK and overseas attended the prestigious awards ceremony to congratulate organisations who have developed effective technologies to protect against the threat of cyberterrorism.

The event was also attended by Simon Clifford from the UK Police ICT Team who master-minded the bold new strategy that resulted in the selection of Pervade Software's Police Cyber Alarm™ Platform and Police Cyber Response™ Portal which in turn prompted the nomination for this award.

Speaking with journalists from Counter Terror Magazine at the event Simon said "The challenge facing all police forces is to find ways to identify, pursue and prosecute cyber criminals and the key to this is to find local criminals attacking local victims and the unique architecture of the Pervade platform makes this possible". He went on to describe the Police Cyber Response™ Portal as "a secure collaboration portal that enables us to work much more closely with Cyber Volunteers in the Regions".

Pervade are delighted to have received this award and are looking forward to expanding both solutions.

How our solutions are used

Our software solutions can be used as a standalone software product or as the basis for launching your own services. Below are examples of some of the projects which our solutions help to enable.

OpView™ is used to enable this excellent free monitoring and vulnerability scanning service delivered by UK Police Forces.

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OpAudit™ is used to enable to online assessment of applications for the Cyber Essentials Certification throughout the UK.

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